Fuel Duty

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Fuel Duty

Post by kanonkopdrinker »

I have just been sent this by one of the club members...When VAT was temporarily reduced to 15%, the Chancellor added 2% duty to fuel to offset the reduction in tax collected from motorists. Now that VAT has been increased to 17.5% again this hidden tax has not been removed - hence recent rises in your fuel costs. Sign the petition at the link below to have this stealth tax removed! http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/DutyReduction/Please pass this on to your friends - the more the merrier. Happy motoring!
Dell Boy
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Re: Fuel Duty

Post by Dell Boy »

It wasn`t added as a stealth tax. It had been announced in a previous budget to come in later in the year. This is done so that it is not all bad news & the public forget it`s coming up until it arrives a long time after budget day!! What should have happened was a windfall tax on the energy companies who didn`t drop there prices after hiking them up now that wholesale prices have dropped like a stone enableing them to make phenomenal profits. They are only now starting to drop them a little. Are we going all political on this site? Derek.
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Re: Fuel Duty

Post by rogerdodger »

40 years of being self sufficient with North Sea oil where as all the money gone - not cheaper petrol for UK drivers that for sure, like they due in the middle east. Cheap petrolfor them let the rest of the world pay higher prices.
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