F1 Sport cush drive

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F1 Sport cush drive

Post by fogrider »

I've finally got round to stripping the clutch out to resolve the judder issue. I thought I had replaced the cush rubbers 10 years ago but now find they are still new in their bag ! . I want to inspect the cush drive rubbers but , so far, I can't figure how to get inside it. I have a Commander clutch and the cush drive has a closing plate with 5 setscrews. My Sport cush drive does not have any visible screws or access plate that could dismantle it. I'm loath to start forcing things, anyone able to advise how to dismantle it ?Thanks, Terry.
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Re: F1 Sport cush drive

Post by Wayne »

HiMy f1 had the 5 screws, i take it you have removed the center from the drum? also remember the center blades curve in the oposit direction to a commander note the position of the rubbers.If your rubbers are shot, clean the hydralic tensioner especialy the nrv as the slightest bit of dirt stops the ball seatingyou need to make up a tool to compress the rubbers to get the last ones inReplace the 5 screws with new onesTo do the job properly you need a mainshaft, i welded one to a bar that can be clamped in a vice,to my knoledge f1 clutch spiders are not available so i would not risk any other method. Regards Wayne
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Re: F1 Sport cush drive

Post by fogrider »

Thanks Wayne, the outer drum with inner drum are still together. It seems to get inside the centre drum it needs separating from the outer. That's the problem, it will not push through by hand and, there's the sprag and needle roller I don't want to damage. It appears to need some force, somewhere, but .........?Can't understand why it does'nt have the 5 screws,(that's how it's shown in the F1 Sport parts book) there's just 2, 8mm tapped holes in the outer face, I can just see a circlip through the holes if I rotate the centre drum. I'm stuck, just like the inner drum !Cheers, Terry
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Re: F1 Sport cush drive

Post by fogrider »

Well, as I wrote " 2, 8mm tapped holes" I said to myself "yooo stooopid boy ! ", they are obviously for a puller ! So, it's now in bits, the 5 hole closing plate was at the back, inside the cush assembly. It was seized solid inside and took some separating. The rubbers are as hard as plastic. The 5 hole closing plate appeared to have a thin gasket on it.Surely it must run in oil ? or dry?, surely not. The gasket was nipping the closing plate onto the rubbers and vanes.Next problem, how the hell do you get all those rubbers back in ? Square rubbers in angled vanes, Cheers, Terry
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Re: F1 Sport cush drive

Post by Wayne »

hii found it suprsingly easy with the right tools, Graham very kindly lent me his clutch spanner and sold or gave me a knakerd main shaft. i lubed the blocks with ruber gease and the tool i made alowed me to make very acurate adjustments leaving both hands free.I found the blade of my snapon pray bar perfect for pressing the lubed blocks in far better than a screw driver. note you need to use the proper tool to comprees the easyly inserted blocks to get clearance for the final blocks.Personaly i would recomend you get the job done for you by graham or richard. having 7 bikes with this type of clutch it was worth me aquiring and making proper equipmentDont forget to locktight the 5 screws on re assembly, clean drums and plates and tensioner. I spent a day with a tooth brush and brake cleaner, it transformed the clutch.Regards Wayne
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Re: F1 Sport cush drive

Post by fogrider »

Thanks Wayne, things are looking better now. All the parts have cleaned up and look in good order but I will take up Richard's offer to inspect the bits, just to be certain. I assume one rubber is for the over-run side (into the angled gap) then 2 rubbers in the more rectangular gap for the drive take-up.Should be rotoring this summer !Cheers , Tery
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Richard Negus
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Re: F1 Sport cush drive

Post by Richard Negus »

Hi Terry,Bit of a problem and I don't have your contact details. Can you call me urgently please.R.
Just a bike-less old fogey now. Boo-hoo!
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Re: F1 Sport cush drive

Post by fogrider »

Well, the juddering was the cush rubbers after all. Why I thought I had changed them already I don't know.(OK, old age ), Just waiting for a new sprag, Richard declared it past it's best, then put her back together and back on the road in a few weeks !.Can't wait and crossed fingers nothing's gone to sleep after it's 10 year hibernation.Rotaring soon......Terry.
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