Rotary Day.

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Posts: 205
Joined: Tue Jun 19, 2007 1:22 pm
Location: Essex

Rotary Day.

Post by Joe »

Hello, I was wondering if any body from the south /south east was going to Rotary Day on Sunday and wanted to meet up on the way. I will probably avoid motorways but am flexible and I may also call into Jack's Hill cafe (on A5 near Towcester) on the way as they are hosting a bike meeting too. "Ton up day", I think. Hopefully see lots of you there. Regards, Joe.
Posts: 569
Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:25 pm

Re: Rotary Day.

Post by Wayne »

Hi allwithout wishing to look stupid when and where is rotary day, i thought ist already been and goneRegards Wayne
Posts: 104
Joined: Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:45 am

Re: Rotary Day.

Post by vontripper »

hi wayne, its tomorrow i pm you all info did not have anouth space to add this little bit tony
[color=#FF0040]God Willing & The Creek Don`t Rise[/color]
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