What a Din, engine sounds dreadful

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What a Din, engine sounds dreadful

Post by draxdave »

Hi Guys, my wife has to cover her ears as I pull out of the drive; such is the noise from the IP11 engine. She starts instantly, pulls like a train, all is great apart from the noise ( the bike of course - not the wife !). I can feel nasty rumbles coming from both Air Transfer Ports and the screwdriver in the ear trick gives all sorts of 'orrible noises. The engine has only done 4250 miles since rebuild; this was not carried out by one of the acknowledged expert; although I understand that GW did give some guidance. I will check that the Alt rotor has not come loose; and that all is OK on the primary drive side before pulling the engine. I hope that our man in Leeds can fit me in soon, do AN do engine overhauls ??!! Any other ideas guys; the exhaust is not blowing
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Re: What a Din, engine sounds dreadful

Post by mick695 »

Pretty sure that Andover are doing work on Rotaries at their workshop under the name of Norton Motors.

Paul Ralph is the guy there to have a word with.


tim harrison
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Joined: Mon Feb 24, 2014 3:50 pm

Re: What a Din, engine sounds dreadful

Post by tim harrison »

I had a similar problem, I had a recon engine in the cupboard under the stairs which I have put in, with JB assisting. The noise is gone so definitely the engine. I suspected a bearing and if it was it could have broken up and wrecked the engine. I even bought a stethoscope but couldn't locate the exact location of the noise. If and when I strip the engine I will let you know what I find.
Rotating off to Sweden this weekend.
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