Nationwide speed limits

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Nationwide speed limits

Post by johnbirchjar »

Hi guys,
Has anybody else heard of the clampdown on speeding on the UK highways?
Evidently the "10%+2mph"has been scraped in favor of "No more allowances for speedo error" (I was informed of this by a biker buddy of mine who was at a "Safety Awareness Course" yesterday and was told of this by the instructors)I have now become even more circumspect when out on the Queens Highways cry,SVF,ride safe,J.B.
Anthony Duffield
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Re: Nationwide speed limits

Post by Anthony Duffield »


I hope you are well.

Changes in the 10% rule is news to me but that said I am not surprised, I will ask my colleagues at the next blood bike group meeting and will get back to you if they they know anything about it.

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Re: Nationwide speed limits

Post by Ian »

I'd be interested to hear. I don't see how it can be enforceable anyway.

Vehicle manufacturers have to make their vehicles conform the many construction and use regulations but one of those is Speedo accuracy.

The last time I looked (four years ago, granted) it was an error of -0, +10%. So your Speedo couldn't show 70 when doing 77, but it could show 77 when you're actually doing a genuine 70.

Maybe they just want to spread misinformation to keep us all under control...

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Re: Nationwide speed limits

Post by johnbirchjar »

Ian's reasoning could well be right(about control)
I heard many years ago that manufacturers purposely made their speedo's 3to 5mph fast,(this could well have been an "urban myth" wink,)but the "Speed Indicators" on the side of the road as you enter a built-up area seemed to bear this out (judging by the speedo readings on various bikes and cars I have been using over the years,)but it would be nice to hear something "Official",SVF,J.B.
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