The Norton affair

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The Norton affair

Post by kanonkopdrinker »

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Re: The Norton affair

Post by fogrider »

That is absolutely staggering.
I went on a factory visit 2 years ago with a group of Police bikers, on the way back we discussed how big the site was, the impressive buildings and the vast overheads and wondered how, what appeared to be 2 bikes a week ,could fund it. There's the answer.

When I bought my F1 Sport, it was so slow steering I checked the rake, 27 degrees. I rang Spondon and spoke to ? who said that's what they were built to, against their advice of 25 degrees. He said they still have the jigs and, if I wished, they could cut and re-weld my frame to 25. Reading that article, it sounds like all the Spondon jigs have been destroyed, the story gets worse and worse !

Superbike magazine will do OK though...…

Regards all.
Charles Wilson
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Re: The Norton affair

Post by Charles Wilson »

Thank you, kkd!

BTW, I had set up a Thread for this but it was placed in the wrong Section (Technical interest...) and for that I apologize.
"Let's see...Manufacture the best product you can and sell it for a reasonable price..."

Over here in the Colonies, we have Walmart: "Save Money, Live Better".

What a Profound Idea. Adam Smith couldn't have said it better.

"Compare with: "The Ministry of Transportation has determined that...". "Phillipe LeRoux has stated that he will produce 100 Classics to determine the market for..." and now Stuart Garner who (obviously) thought that rotaries were radioactive or something. Maybe Joe S could write a piece on his dealings with Garner. I'm certain I could learn some new spicy German words to describe the situation.

Another Rotary Engine Horror Story.

We all know (or I hope we all know) that the Norton Rotary was a True Advance in the Motorcycle World. Will the Project ever get done properly?

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Re: The Norton affair

Post by johnbirchjar »

Highly unlikely,Mazda must have spent an absolute fortune trying to cure "Emissions problem"(and their horrendous thirst for fuel evil)but even they had to give up in the end,but "Rotory Power" in light air craft seem to be doing ok cool (I wonder how thirsty they are compared to a piston engine in light air craft?)J.B.
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Re: The Norton affair

Post by holger999 »

Hello fogrider

thanks for the report from SuperBike magazine.
Please also link the following report of the next issue.

Can anyone write more of Joe S.'s prescriptions?

a shame for Norton ... first with Phillipe LeRoux then stuart garner
like in history with NVT and many others.
Norton deserves a reputable investor.

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Re: The Norton affair

Post by johnbirchjar »

Once again highly unlikely,they would have to have EXTREMELY deep pockets,and look upon it as a hobby that never made money and probably lost money on every bike they produced,J.B.
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Re: The Norton affair

Post by kanonkopdrinker »

And here’s Part 2 of Superbike’s Interview .....

No happier than Part 1 I’m afraid.

David ... t-part-two
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Re: The Norton affair

Post by fogrider »

Thanks for posting this article David, it's an almost unbelievable story. Tragic for the private and business people who are vastly out of pocket due to this maverick operation. I almost wish it's all a huge misunderstanding.
The full facts will out, eventually. A great shame for the name and history of Norton.

Regards all.
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Re: The Norton affair

Post by BlackIP2 »

Looks like good news for those who invested in Norton's pension scheme: ... n-millions
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Re: The Norton affair

Post by johnbirchjar »

I hope Garners been put under "House Arrest"and his passport taken by the authorities 'cos I believe he has an "Estate "in South Africa (and looking at his track record I suspect he may well abscond wink) J.B.
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Re: The Norton affair

Post by holger999 »

Normally this crook would have to pay pain and suffering to all Norton drivers ...
so pulling the glorious name in the dirt evil

best regards
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Re: The Norton affair

Post by holger999 »

hello, the google translation program is crap.
Twisted everything ...
the Stuart Garner soiled the name Norton.
For that he would have to pay pain and suffering to us as a Norton driver!
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Re: The Norton affair

Post by johnbirchjar »

Well,it's pretty close,and how would you/we get on without it wink,J.B.
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