Rortory Yam

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Posts: 1647
Joined: Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:20 pm

Rortory Yam

Post by johnbirchjar »

Hi guys,The Rotory Yam: in the December issue of the club mag; looks very similar to the one built by Malc Stanley about 15 years ago.(slightly different colour scheme)I was very tempted to buy it after Malc let me take it for a spin,but the memsahib(ever the practical one) said "Where are you going to put it,there is no room in the Garage" cry
I don't know if many of you are aware of the fact that Malc could tune the air cooled rotories to go VERY quickly indeed exclaim,(about 90+bhp if memory serves)he had built a couple of track bikes and I had chased him on more than one occasion round Cadwell on my Classic,couldnt get anywhere near him exclaim,those bikes were well quick cool.
Oh,and a happy new year to everyone and their nearest and dearest,ride safe,J.B.
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Joined: Mon Apr 21, 2008 5:47 pm
Location: Assen Netherlands

Re: Rortory Yam

Post by Assen »

Hi John,

December issue of the clubmag? I have joined in July of 2019 and haven't seen any club-mag so far.
Perhaps the postman is a tiny bit late..

All the best for 2020 for everyone, health and luckwise!!!

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