How many miles?

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Anthony Duffield
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How many miles?

Post by Anthony Duffield »

This may interest some bore others.

My Commander is now on 90439 miles, since 2018 I have recoded all my trips, bimbles etc trying to do MCN's 5k miles a year, the following is total miles each year from 2018 to date:

2018: 4998
2019: 4737
2020: 1485 - Covid
2021: 3165
2022: 3010
2023: 4503
2024: 3298 to date

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Re: How many miles?

Post by johnbirchjar »

Cant remember miles per year,but I covered 71,thousand+ from 1999 to 2020(when I sold it) on my Classic,roughly between six/seven thousand a year cool (for about nine of those years it was my only bike Very Happy)J.B.
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Re: How many miles?

Post by Clive603 »

According to the spreadsheet 96,125 miles at the last fill up. About 140 miles since. Dover and back last Sunday.

One day I'll transfer the data from my handy AA motorists record book to the spreadsheet. Time to join the Century of the Fruitbat.

1992 Commander Krauser Supremed by Richard.

Need to get my act together and get out more but since retirement and loss of duty journeys I've discovered I'm not actually much of going out person and bike miles have plummeted.

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Re: How many miles?

Post by johnbirchjar »

All very well Clive,but how many miles have YOU,actualy ridden your Commander?J.B.
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Re: How many miles?

Post by Clive603 »

C'mon be nice John

Considering i bought it new. All of them bar about 10 when I sent a very experienced mate out on it to confirm that the gas shocks were low on gas and whatever road test miles Richard did after the Supreme conversion.

Rave review.

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Re: How many miles?

Post by johnbirchjar »

So,from '92 to 2024 is 32 years into 96,125miles at roughly between three and four thousand a year,not bad wink,and as it's an X Richards bike I would think has been virtually trouble free cool.
Is the Commander your only bike?J.B.
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Re: How many miles?

Post by Clive603 »

This was my second Commander. Maybe 80,000 miles on my first one which got a home brew Krauser conversion.

Mileage per annum on this one is very patchy. When when I was still working we were clocking up approaching 20,000 miles a year but since redundancy in 2004 followed by carer duties I've not given it the use it needs. Generally manage 500 to 1,000 though.

Solidly reliable apart from the odd plug fouling issues when on BMF Training Scheme Examiner duties in mid London summer. Neither of us liked plodding along at 20 mph in hot, heavy traffic. As a roving examiner Jan used to send me all over the place on fill in duties but a couple or three sites were absolutely on the not too often list.

Second bike is a Yamaha GTS1000A that I bought myself 5 years ago as a me to me 65 th birthday present. I'd had one before, overlapping with both Commanders, and rather liked it. Which diluted the Commander miles. That one was wrongly written off after an I'm sorry I didn't see you incident at 30 mph when a Vauxhall Astra stuck its nose too far out a junction and lost its front quarter. Everything back to the A pillar, including suspension, gone. Bought the GTS back from the insurance company and broke it 'cos expert dealer said front was bent. Idiot me didn't check until most of bike as gone. Front till straight. GTS is a heavy old toad. But strong.

Big contrast back then between the standard Commanders lively, chatty "enduro bike in a Saville Row suit" handling and sullen "shut up I've got it" demeanour of the GTS along with its militant indifference road surface variation. After the Supreme conversion the Commander and GTS wear the same size tyres so much less difference. Which goes to show how much tyres have developed.


(Probably working on the second million miles of keeping two wheels rubber side down.)
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Re: How many miles?

Post by johnbirchjar »

Well done you,ride safe,J.B.
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