Morini track day

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Morini track day

Post by johnbirchjar »

Hi Moriniman,because I have lost your e-mail address I will have to comunicate via the club forum.(A) Are you having your track day at Cadwell again this year?(B)Have you got a date yet?(C)Are you changing the "track sessions"to something like the Beezumph? cool eg:(1)Morini only bikes--(2)Classic Touring(bikes before 1985)--(3)Fast Touring(anything)-and(4) Race Bikes only.The reason that I ask is if you remember I spoke to you at the last Morini track day about some realy fast bikes that were out in my session(touring I think)although I don't consider myself as a fast rider, wink the old Classic get can get a bit of a move on but even so I was lapped two or three times by some riders in a fifteen? minute session,and one guy in particular was an absolute lunatic,and b****y dangerous evil.Hoping not to cause offence,J.B.
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