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Post by johnbirchjar »

I read in the "What Car"magazine recently that by next year(2020)the government want ALL fuel stations to sell the 10% ethanol petrol,(to bring us in line with Europe)and we thought the 5% crap was bad enough evil, hopefully we will still have the option to buy the other stuff(or some sort of additive)anybody else heard of this directive?J.B.
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Re: Ethanol

Post by Ian »

My local garden centre sells ethanol-free petrol in 5 litre containers.

It's sold for lawnmowers because they spend half the year unused in a shed.

Bit expensive for bike use though...
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Re: Ethanol

Post by johnbirchjar »

Depends on how much a litre.
On a recent trip back from Cumbria I was forced to pay £1-49p per litre in a motorway services (and that was the cheap stuff exclaim) which is about 14p a litre more than the best stuff at my local Tesco's.(needless to say I only bought enough to get me to a Supermarket that I knew of about 60miles further on wink).J.B.
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Re: Ethanol

Post by Ian »

£6 per litre! I didn't buy any. Sold in 1l containers..

Mind you, that might be two year's worth in a mower...
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Re: Ethanol

Post by johnbirchjar »

Returning to the "Ethanol" evil subject,and having read more,
It would appear that fuel companies already add 7% to diesel,are they going to up this to 10% as per petrol? and will it have the same detrimental effect on older models?(my old Bora is 20 years wink)any information would be greatly appreciated,J,B.
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Re: Ethanol

Post by mickm »

Stick to Esso top grade. It doesn't have any E in it
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Re: Ethanol

Post by mickm »

Stick to Esso top grade. It doesn't have any E in it.
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Re: Ethanol

Post by johnbirchjar »

Thanks for that Mike,(I tend to put Esso top grade in both my bikes anyway)I contacted Tesco about their fuel and they were less than forthcoming about their diesel wink,but did confirm that BOTH their grades of petrol contained 5% "Biofuel" evil.
I may decide to contact Esso about their diesel and will report back,(unless one of our readers comes back with the relative info:)J.B.
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Re: Ethanol

Post by mickm »

Beware of cheap diesel, it is very likely to sludge up. Now the weather Is going to Get colder its better to get the better quality fuel. Or risk a blocked fuel filter.
P S don't ask !!
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Re: Ethanol

Post by johnbirchjar »

By "cheap diesel"I assume you mean re-cycled chip oil wink,(never known anyone who sold it)J.B.
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Re: Ethanol

Post by mickm »

Hi J B there is a cheap? Fuel in Broom field beware, I'm just saying 🙁
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