Club Stand

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Club Stand

Post by Wayne »

hi all

Some of you may have noticed i have not put any Roc stands on this year, this was mainly due to my legs made worse by a fall at work in july (i would have had to cancel ). The doctors have confirmed today that my knee has abnormal wear and tear , tough tit live with it basically.

Unfortunately unless i can get help with the loading and unloading at my end as well i can no longer lug engines awnings plus bikes ect therefor there will be no large stands in the near future. As its unrealistic for help at my end as no one lives near me, i intend to concentrate on restoring the race bikes. on completion i can do a themed stand for a given year probably properly just big enough for my own bike..

If some one wishes to take over the Roc stand i can hand the banner and a couple of roc t shirts over providing roc permiton is given. Thanks to Mark Simpson Chris Chant Mark Day Jo Walker and JB who have helped putting up and dismantling the stand over the last few years

Rob Edwards please put in the mag.

Regards Wayne
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Re: Club Stand

Post by johnbirchjar »

Hi Wayne,sounds like you are having a bit of a tough old time of late,(and having a couple of dodgy knees I can sympathise)Lets hope someone will "Take over the Mantle" from you,I know how hard you have worked in the past, promoting our Rotories, good luck with your race bike,ride safe,J.B.
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Re: Club Stand

Post by Interpol2471 »

Sorry Wayne the only stand I am putting on now will be at Popham after Mortons mucked up Kempton.

Good luck with your knees Paul
Various rubbish in various states of decay.....
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