giving way on roundabouts

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giving way on roundabouts

Post by johnbirchjar »

Hi guys,
Can anybody out there remember when the Highway Code rule changed to "Give Way to traffic approaching from your right on roundabout's'? 'cos I'm sure that when I first started riding bikes way back in the mid/late '50's, traffic on the roundabout gave way to traffic approaching from the LEFT(the main road)I remember this particularly 'cos down in my part of Essex,the A127(London to Southend)was one of the very few duel carriage-way's in the area,and the "Fortune of War" roundabout was very much part of my biking world(a transport cafe being right their where us local bikers congregated cool)J.B.
tim harrison
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Re: giving way on roundabouts

Post by tim harrison »

Hi JB. When I passed my motorcycle test in 1964 the Highway Code stated that there was, unless stated, no designated right of way on roundabouts. This was often inaccurately taken to mean that the right of way was with the main road. I think that the give way to the right came in around 1966/7.
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Re: giving way on roundabouts

Post by johnbirchjar »

Thanks Tim,
It is'nt only me,one of the guys I play golf with also remembers the "Traffic from the left on roundabouts"rule.
What brought all this to the fore was a buddy of mine's wife was commenting on the fact that in Boston, Mass; on roundabouts they give way to traffic on the left!? and I said "Well they would,they drive on the other side over there" wink, I then went on to explain that "Way back in the day we did over here" she didn't believe me,(her being a mere 6****ish)ride safe,SVF,J.B.
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Re: giving way on roundabouts

Post by Interpol2471 »

Unless a push bike as they appear to.have right of way wherever they are Very Happy
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Re: giving way on roundabouts

Post by johnbirchjar »

They appear to think this,which is why so many of them end up in A&E exclaimJ.B.
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