food for thought

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food for thought

Post by johnbirchjar »

Hi guys,here is something to ponder on.
Two vehicles are on opposite sides at a roundabout on a single carriageway,both are signaling to turn right at the roundabout,who has the "Right of Way"? evil Ride safe,J.B.(do you think I should get out more? smiley )
Posts: 141
Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:42 am

Re: food for thought

Post by fogrider »

The one with the biggest car............

The driver who is the more drunk.......

The white van..............

The 4x4 (black of course) with young blond at the wheel........

The private hire taxi, who isn't indicating anyway.........
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Re: food for thought

Post by FloridaMike »

Who has the right of way in Florida?

Most jacked-up pickup truck with most long guns in the gun rack of the rear window.

Worst beater, four mismatched tires, lots of dents and primer, at least one window covered with plastic sheeting held on with duct tape, leaves a smoke trail (helps kill the mosquitoes).

350 Hells Angels on a run ;-)

Blue haired 300 year old lady in a huge sedan, looking out (sometimes) under the rim of the steering wheel.

Semi-trucks, especially with lots of chrome and "teeth" in the grille. Rebel flags optional.

Presidential motorcades escorted by helicopters, Humvees, and serious looking guys in black suits wearing black shoes, sunglasses, squggily wires, one end in their ear, one end under their jacket (next to the lump under the jacket) and driving black Chevrolet Suburbans with blacked out windows.

My wife.
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