Preparing for Rimini 2016

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Anthony Duffield
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Preparing for Rimini 2016

Post by Anthony Duffield »

AllI am currently visiting Desenzano Lake Garda with avg. temperatures mid to high thirties, being in Italy has set me thinking about the NOC International Rally next year in Rimini, which I am very much looking forward to, and how the Commander is going to handle such high ambient temperature.This winter I am going to prepare the Commander as much as I can for the trip, cooling is a top priority so I am looking for advice:I have heard talk of the fitting of a larger radiator, are these larger rads available off the shelf and if so from where?Also I understand that a larger cooling fan is a good upgrade, same question are they off the shelf and from where?If there are other ‘must do’s’ when preparing a Commander for a Continental trip all suggestions and recommendations will be gratefully received.ThanksTony
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Re: Preparing for Rimini 2016

Post by mxman »

Hi TonyIn the early nineties while touring Germany and Czech Republic the temperature was reaching high thirties and the Commander gauge was reading up to 120 C. I subsequently fitted the larger rad and it certainly kept the engine temp. down. Normal running was 80 C and touring Spain and Morocco with temperatures in the high thirties was no problem so it does the job. Perhaps Andover Norton have them or contact Graham.Roger
Anthony Duffield
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Re: Preparing for Rimini 2016

Post by Anthony Duffield »

Roger,Many thanks for the reply, I shall try Andover and Graham as suggested.By the way, did you use the same cooling fan or go for a larger one?ThanksTony
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Re: Preparing for Rimini 2016

Post by mxman »

TonyI used the same fan.Roger
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Re: Preparing for Rimini 2016

Post by gripper »

I have heard of opening up the two exit holes on the side fairings. There is a slight lip on them and removing this lip will give a bigger escape for the hot air.
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Re: Preparing for Rimini 2016

Post by mfremlin »

Hi Tony.I wouldn't worry to much as in late May the temperature should be a bit cooler at between 16c and 20c. . I have just returned from riding around Albania in a sweltering 42c! Not on a rotary alas but on a Harley sportster 1200 which ran faultlessly.Rgd's Mark.
Anthony Duffield
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Re: Preparing for Rimini 2016

Post by Anthony Duffield »

Mark,Many thanks for your post, I hope you had a good holiday.I have had some good advice regarding preparing for the trip to Italy and intend sorting the Commander this winter in readiness for what I hope is going to be an excellent holiday.ThanksTony
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