ROC Visit to AIE

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ROC Visit to AIE

Post by kanonkopdrinker »

I am very pleased to announce that the Rotary Owners' Club has been invited to visit AIE in Lichfield; this company is very active in rotary engine work.A provisional date of Friday 7 October has been mooted by them.Numbers are severely limited (just 8 bods maximum)Not known yet whether this will be a.m. or p.m.I would ask that in order to create the right impression, we arrive en masse on rotary machines, so perhaps can arrange a rendezvous beforehand. To register your interest, please email David at the address on the cover of the newsletter ASAP.Cheers all.David
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by andy588tt »

Hi DaveIm intesested in your visit to AIE please keep me updated Ill come on the Norton F1. When is the visit planned Im off to the IOM GP I will be back after 4th SeptemberRegardsAndy Watts
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by johnbirchjar »

Hi Dave,I would love to come but I doubt vary much if the Classic will be repaired by early October evil,(I could come on the Honda,leave it at a nearby pub and "ride shotgun" with somebody else wink)rgds,J.B.
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by johnbirchjar »

Or, if somebody has a spair rotory that would be willing to let me ride smiley,J.B.
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by kanonkopdrinker »

AIE have suggested an arrival time of 10.00 .... And they seem to anticpate that we will stay for a few hours!We have been asked to limit the number of visitors to a maximum of 8, so if you'd like to,come - don't delay in responding.David
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by Ageing Rotarian »

Hi Dave, can you please add my name to the list as it sounds like a very interesting visit. Will have to book the time off work so please advise when the date is firm.RegardsRoy
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by kanonkopdrinker »

Hi Roy,At present, we are up to our maximum of 8 bods, but you'll be on a reserve list.DavidPS/ Are you still a member of the ROC? I had it in mind you'd let your membership lapse?
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by Ageing Rotarian »

No problem Dave.With regards to membership, quite probably, as I forget which one I have joined, rejoined or re subscribed,Please send through the details and I will put it right as soon as.Kind regardsRoyI have tried to register with the shop which is taking an age to get sorted and I believe I can pay through PayPal which get through quicker?
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by kanonkopdrinker »

Change of plan .....AIE have been in touch and due to circumstances beyond their control, have had to delay the visit a fortnight and it will now take place on Friday 21 October.Sadly, two of the members (me included) cannot make the new date and so there are 2 spaces for any member who would like to go.Please contact me (David) at the usual club address, or email me at to reserve a place.David
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by johnbirchjar »

So are we now looking for a new team leader?any volanteers?Apart from myself, how many of us are traveling from Essex? J.B.
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by Ageing Rotarian »

John, I will be travelling from bury st Edmunds, so on your way I guess. Is your rotary back up and running or are you planning to use your Honda?RegardsRoy
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by johnbirchjar »

Hi Roy,Unfortunatly it looks like the Classic will not be running anytime soon,so I will be Honda mounted.Seeing as you will be coming from Bury-St-Edds I assume you will be blasting along the A14?and seeing as I will be traveling north to also pick up the A14, how about we meet up at the Cambridge Services and do the last leg together?(along with anybody else traveling up from our neck of the woods)rgds,J.B.
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by Ageing Rotarian »

Hi John, sounds like a plan, and lets hope for a break with the weather.It will be an education with regards to the bike as this will be the furthest I've travelled on it but can't think of a reason why it shouldn't be O.K.RegardsRoy
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by kanonkopdrinker »

I think Andy Watts is coming from Lowestoft way on his Norton and might also try to meet up?Andy: Can you contact JB and Roy to confirm?David
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by johnbirchjar »

If Andy is traveling from Lowstoft, it's a bit out of his way for him to meet Roy and I at Cambridge Services,so what I sugest is that ALL of us that are going to AEI meet up at a Tesco superstore (the address is Church St,WS13 6DZ which is about a mile and a half from AEI) with an EDT of 09-50 sharp,which should get us to our destination nicely just before 10-00hrs Very Happy,any other sugestions?J.B.
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by Ageing Rotarian »

Sounds good John, not fussed where we meet as long as we get there in good time. I am showing around 21/2 hours from bury st Edmunds if you go along the M 6 toll, so we would have to be at Cambridge services around 7:00 to 7:15 ish and that's not leaving a lot of slack for traffic/fuel stops. The route I took to Litchfield/ Shenstone when going to the factory, was along the a38 which is a little more fiddly but at least gives you a break from the motorways which are pretty boring (this would probably add a little to the journey). Have a ponder ref route and times and let me know your thoughts?All the best Roy
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by johnbirchjar »

Hi Roy,sounds like a reasonable plan,leaving Cambridge Services about 07-30 should leave us plenty of time to get to the Tesco Store in Lichfield(may even have time for a quick cuppa wink)There hasn't been a great deal of response from the other Roterians making the trip (in responce to my sugestion that we all meet at the said Tesco's,)so we will just have to wait and see who turns up smiley,see you on Friday,ride safe,J.B.PS I sugest we meet in front of the fuel pumps shop at Cambridge Services.J.B.
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by johnbirchjar »

Ooops exclaim sorry,make that Friday week Very Happy,J.B.
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by Ageing Rotarian »

No worries John, I will give the bike a look over and see you as arranged. The long range weather forecast doesn't look too bad so fingers crossed for a reasonable trip.
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by johnbirchjar »

Hi Roy,I have a (slightly) alternative route that I would like to run past you.A14 to M6,to J3A on the M6 and on to the M42(thus avoiding the M6 toll) to J10 on to A5,along the A5 to the A38 and into Lichfield.What do you think?rgds,J.B.
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by johnbirchjar »

Hi Roy,please ignore previous post,M6 toll only £3-00,not worth the hastle,M6toll and A38 just fine,see you Friday at the Cambridge Services 07-10ish,ride safe,J.B.
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by Joe »

Hello Gents,I've delayed commenting because I'm still not sure where I'll be departing from, either Buckinghamsire or Essex so I think it's best if Gerald and I meet you all at the factory. We'll be meeting at Jacks Hill Cafe around Eight am and traveling along the A5 and A38 to Lichfield arriving at Ten.See you there, Joe.
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by johnbirchjar »

Hi Roy.Do you think it may be a good thing if we have each others mobile number? mine is 07926186660.See you tomorrow,ride safe,J.B.
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by johnbirchjar »

Hi Joe,so with you and Gerald,Andy from Lowestoft,Roy and I,makes a total of five,any idea who the other three are?and (appart from you and Gerald)are we all meeting at Tesco's in Church St; for a mass ride in? Answere's please so we know who to wait for,ride safe,J.B.
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by kanonkopdrinker »

Hi JohnSadly the group is down to six. Ewen cannot now make it - and I'm heading for Scotland.The no. 6 man is Roger Jones from Staffs. who will either be RE5 or Norton mounted.Take lots of notes ... and photos if you may.I am hoping someone will write a piece about AIE for Rob.David
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by johnbirchjar »

Thanks for the update Dave.Roy,sorry to be a pain,but do you not think that we are being a tad consertive allowing two and a half hours to get from Cambrige Services to Lichfield? how about aiming to leave Camb/Serv about 08-00? Two hours to get to Lichfield should be ample,what do you think?rgds,J.B.
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by Ageing Rotarian »

John, this a very late reply but if you want to leave a little later the OK just want to get there and a little nervous over the bike as this is the longest trip I have done on her. See you at the services and I will be there as discussed but if we leave a little later then I think you are right we should have plenty of time ( traffic permitting).See you in a moRoy
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Re: ROC Visit to AIE

Post by johnbirchjar »

Hi guys,I trust you all returned safely to your variuos abodes?as did I.A most lnteresting establishment AEI,looks like they have there fingers on the rotary pulse Very Happy,mind you, to be honest, most of the techenical jargone went right over my head wink,but that "Diamond Dust Surfacing" they use on there end plates sounds like it could be the way to go (as are the Ceramic Tips and Side Seals cool)but where can one obtain these goodies I ask wink,ride safe,J.B.
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